Take an example from daily life, be it work, a relationship, family, some goal like run a marathon, anything. We start with a goal, sometimes spend way too much time pondering, thinking, planning, figuring it out. This very act of thinking not followed by action, causes stress or some stifling in our mind, body.
Next, we start Acting upon it, Doing! As soon as we act, it gives joy, a sense of fulfillment. This very feeling of fulfillment and joy, pumps more energy into us, which fuels us to keep doing.
Now, as the rule of Life is, to surprise us with unknown, unfold magic, some thing happens that we did not plan ahead. What happens?
- Either we welcome the change, good or bad, give in to the change, and come up with Plan B. We keep doing.
- Or we stop and ponder on the change, on Life, trying to reason, blame why, how, what just happened. This reduces our energy, brings us down, feel defeated, and sometimes we give up.
Which one of the above do you think is 'Surrendering'?
When we accept life, people, and situations just as they are, when we are strong enough to surrender, to give in to the flow of Life, and flow along with it, we become Self-Reliant. People, situations stop affecting us. We flow, act with compassion, yet are dispassionate about the results!
To surrender is not to give up, but to give in to the Faith, and rely that Life is exactly how it is supposed to be and is going to be. So Just be! Now if you think, I need to surrender, I need to surrender, then you are thinking, not surrendering :-P. Do you see the trick? It's an Art of Living!
Surrendering makes you Strong and Self-Reliant!