Monday, December 17, 2012

Meditation - A journey from me to my Self

Everyone needs some meditation

Who doesn't want good health and no sickness?
Who doesn't want beauty inside out?
Who doesn't want pleasures and no pain?
Who doesn't want love and no longing?
Who doesn't want happiness and no misery?
Who doesn't want peace of mind and no stress?
Who doesn't want rest and no restlessness?
Who doesn't want enthusiasm and no boredom?

Who doesn't want never-ending Joy and un-distorted Love?
Who wants the party to end?

Life is such, a sinusoidal wave of duality, of opposites.

Day and Night, Sun and Moon, Summer and Winter, Spring and Fall, Water and Ice, Music and Noise, Man and Woman, Love and Longing, Pleasure and Pain, Highs and Lows, Crests and Troughs, Crowds and Solace, Life and Death

Each one complements it's opposite. It's these opposites that make Life full of life, exciting, surprising, adventurous, worth exploring, worth living. And they co-exist, but usually we only see and perceive one at a time.

When the sinusoidal wave of opposites cease to exist, and become a flat line, that's symbol of death, stagnant, decay. But we don't want to wait for death to end this sinusoid. We want to be the infinite unwavering center amidst the sinusoid.

How do we rise above the opposites to watch these opposites as they happen and remain unaffected by them?

Alcohol, drugs? Sure they take you to a high, subdue your lows, loosen you up, your confidence gets a boost, you have fun (without awareness, without consciousness). What happens when it wears down? Does the Joy last or it also wears down? Does the joy from it have a lasting effect (positive) through the rest of your day? Does it leave you fresh and recharged? Does anything change within you? And still somehow most consider it as a logically reasoned out fact, or must I say 'faith', that it's THE way to have fun, a medicine to relieve pain.


Meditation is not about experiencing lights, flying birds, blue skies, beautiful mountains, sun sets, music (although all this may happen). Most people associate meditation with Buddhism or a religious, cultish practice. All religions have a way to meditate. And why do you want to associate it with a religion, and give it yet another form, concept? We are so quick and open-minded when it comes to trying out new activities, cuisines, clubs, bars, beers, etc? Think of meditation as a technique to reduce stress, clear the mind, increase productivity, peace, enthusiasm, energy.

Meditation is the art of doing nothing that effortlessly leads one to a state of nothingness. That's why many people leave it when they try it for the first few times, because of the gazillion thoughts that come up in the mind.
Hello?? These thoughts have always been there. They are always coming every second. It's only in meditation that you are actually taking time to observe them, as thoughts, and realize that they are simply thoughts, transient thoughts, that we usually mistake for as ourselves and others. We are not our transient thoughts, emotions, feelings, opinions.

But if you keenly observe, there is a space between thoughts, even though it's infinitesimally small. That space is peace.

With proper meditation techniques and practice, one learns how to increase that space between thoughts. Can you learn to play the guitar in one day? Can you learn driving in one day? Can you write a software in one day? Even Rome was not built in a day! Just like that you can't have that long space, peace, nothingness, in one day.

Meditation makes you travel through your thoughts, memories from the past, thoughts about future, judgements, opinions, experiences to silence......If you have experienced meditation, you know that you don't realize where time flew by. Meditation takes you from times (past, present, future) to timelessness.
And when you come out of it, there is a sense of peace, love, joy. Because you just experienced your true Self - infinite and timeless Joy, Love, Peace!

Meditation is a journey from the head to the heart; from chaos to silence; from time to timelessness.

Meditation is a journey from me to my Self.

Sounds too good to be true? (Having a Doubt? Realize that Doubt is also just yet another thought). Want to remove your Doubt (now there is war going on between you and your ego). But once you have become aware that it's just a doubt, and are ready to go past your ego, to resolve your doubt, try the Art of Meditation.


  1. Your article tells me that now its time for me to meditate! and like your 'whose who?s' too! and here is my want: Please keep writing :)!

  2. This is such a beautiful perspective. Love it.. My teacher told me, when we learn to drop our intellect, we learn to experience true peace and joy, experience passion, compassion and I guess - finally dis-passion.
    Hugs. Merry Moments and Happy Years

